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C 299$

Rate on our site

C 239$

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1 888 622-7801

Gift cards

To celebrate Christmas, a birthday or a retirement, offer to a loved one a stay where hospitality and comfort are at the heart of the experience!

A versatile gift!


Valid in our 4 hotels and our 44 restaurants!

Packages, snacks...

Various uses!

Traditional or virtual

Plastic or email?

Several design choices

Choose the visual and the value of your choice.

Send it by email

Virtual gift card

Buy it at the hotel or in a restaurant

Traditional gift card

Online order
(Traditional gift card)

    Value of each gift card
    Phone number
    Address - Number and street
    Postal code

    When we will receive your order, we will contact you by phone to make payment by credit card. Please allow 5 to 7 working days for delivery by standard post.