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C 299$

Rate on our site

C 239$

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1 888 622-7801

Contact details

Hôtel-Motel Normandin Alma

To book (Local)

418 668-2354

Hotel address

820, avenue du Pont Sud, Alma (Québec) G8B 2V8 Reg. 005832 / Exp. date January 25, 2025


Accessible 1 Queen

Room amenities

2 people maximum

Queen bed

Large shower

Accessible for people with reduced mobility

Wood floor



Compact fridge

Standard coffee maker

1-seat sofa

Work desk & chair

Automatic door

Support bar & shower bench


The answer is might be here.

To help you prepare your stay with us, we have collected the most frequently asked questions.

418 668-2354

What is the check-in and check-out time?

On the day of your arrival, we guarantee that our rooms will be ready at 4 pm. On the day of your departure, you have until noon to vacate the room.

What is the cancellation policy?

You have until 4pm on the day of your arrival to cancel without extra charge. Exceptions apply for the non-cancellable/non-refundable prepaid promotion as well as for certain group reservations.

How far by car are you from… 1. Lac Saint-Jean 2. Alma downtown 3. Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien

1. 20 minutes
2. 5 minutes
3. 1h20 minutes