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C 299$
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C 239$
Contact details
Hôtel & Suites Normandin Lévis
To book (Canada/USA)
1 800 749-3119To book (Local)
418 831-3119Hotel address
535, rue de Bernières Lévis (Québec) G7A 1C9 Reg. 041591 / Exp. date March 31, 2025
info.levis@hotelnormandin.comBetween 16 and 30 people
624 ft2 (26 ft x 24 ft)
Projector and screen from ceiling ($)
Hybrid formula with videoconference ($)
Maximum capacity:
Conference: 16 people
Theatre: 30 people
School: 20 people
U: 16 people
Located on the 2nd floor
Free WiFi
Free parking
Coffee break service ($)
Equipment rental ($)